Morning, afternoon, twilight,
nihilism, perhaps interchangeable. Perhaps
they= violins,
Gujarat, bass, cello, harquebuses +
they= maracas and tame
less percussion +
they= the 120 black
and white keys of
keyboards, accountancy, organs +
they= djembe and all
drums and vibrational quantum numbers +
they= saxophones,
trona, trumpets, tubas à
touch or
voice is required for
the elemental
the elemental ex modo praescripto.
OULIPO, Form is (N+7)
where nouns are substituted with the words seventh after them in the dictionary
used by the author, Latin translation “after the manner prescribed”.
Un hommage pour
Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle.
Manifestaciones Musicales
Mañana, tarde, crepúsculo,
nihilismo, quizás intercambiables. Tal vez
ellas = violines,
Gujarat, bajo, cello, arcabuces +
ellas = maracas y
domar menos percusión +
ellas = las 120
teclas blancas y negras de
teclados, la contabilidad, los órganos +
ellas = djembe y
todos los tambores y los números cuánticos vibracionales +
ellas = saxofones,
trona, trompetas, tubas à
tocar o
Se requiere de voz para
la física elemental,,
el elemental ex modo praescripto.